History, Art, Meaning, and Memory.

Welcome. Please step into my world. Here you can discover my love of history, and details of areas I have researched in detail and written or given talks about. This includes: work I produced for a recent Masters Degree, and am now starting to publish; my fascination, from frequent visits to churches, with memorials to the dead, ecclesiastical art, wall paintings and stained glass; and my family history, one day to be turned into a book. Please look around, read, hopefully enjoy, and get in touch via the Contact link or through social media.

This is the way, step inside - Holy Cross Church, Seend, Wiltshire, 2023

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To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour - William Blake.
A rainbow on a mermaid: Balintore Beach, Easter Ross, Scotland, 2022